Review: Bloody Good Time

Posted by: 11/4/2010

Ubisoft has created the most ridiculous, yet most addictively… addictive game since sliced bread. Sorry, too many cliché statements packed into one sentence. But, I feel it is very appropriate since this game feels like one part Team Fortress 2, one part Celebrity Death Match. Hilariously enough, Bloody Good Time (BGT) is a classic first person shooter that thankfully takes the focus off of the Halo seriousness. *Although, I’m pretty sure someone T-bagged me*

BGT invents a new way of playing a shoot’em up game. Along with your basic run, aim, shoot, BGT added meters that decrease over time. I call them “Sleepy,” “Poop-time,” and “Tacos.” I’m incredibly sorry to Ubisoft if these names offend them in anyway. But, I prefer yelling them over my mic when I need to max one of the out. In a large nutshell, these meters provide ability buffs to your character. And, to that end, if they are completely depleted, you will get some gnarly debuffs. For example, when you get tired, *sleepy*, you will start to run slower. An obvious disadvantage when being hunted. So, if you are wanting to maintain a higher speed, then you will need to rest.

While we are on the topic of buffs, BGT added equipment upgrades. A somewhat equivalent to the Halo: Reach’s armor upgrades. But, not really at all. BGT calls them “Murder Support” items. Pills to make you go faster, become invisible. They are pretty nice. My only trouble with these upgrades are having to swap out or switch them. I hate having to use the D-pad and take my finger off the Analog stick that makes me move. Troublesome to say the least.

BGT has a lot of great qualities that make it a wonderfully fun multiplayer game. The kind of game that would be great with a group of friends sitting around and just wanting to hit each other with baseball bats and humiliate them after the kill. But, there are a lot of draw backs that make it a really rough game to become perfect.

While playing, it is really tough to track onto enemies. The hair-trigger doesn’t activate as obvious or make it that easy to hit a moving target. I found myself swinging wildly at most targets. Hoping to just smack them around a little bit. Also, the guns don’t seem to have a helpful targeting. No slowing down. No light up reticule. Also, there isn’t a “Ready” state to your weapons. You aim, then fire. This become increasing difficult with sniper rifles. You don’t get a chance to “ready” your weapon. It goes from a holstered weapon to a zoomed in weapon. No in between.

All in all, a sweet FPS game to play with a group of friends that you wouldn’t mind just sitting back and digitally humiliate. And for 400 MSP, it really isn’t too steep on the wallet. So, think to yourself, do you like to have fun with your friends and blow them up with multiple weapons and various items? Then go grab this. Go grab it right now!

Score: 6 / 10

Bloody Good Time was developed by Outerlight and published by Ubisoft for the Xbox 360 Arcade on October 28th. A review code of the retail version was provided to us by Ubisoft for reviewing purposes.

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