2011’s Biggest Videogame Stories

Posted by: 1/3/2011

As we are finishing to celebrate the year that was 2010, it also becomes time to ready your thoughts (and wallets) to what we will play in 2011. While last year was an absolute treat with great games on all platforms, the coming months have the potential to be even better for gamers across the globe.

We will remember 2010 as the year we played the best Assassin’s Creed game to date, battled through the dark chapter of the Mass Effect series and of course, the year that Gran Turismo 5 actually came out. We played Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Super Scribblenauts as well as Cataclysm and Starcraft 2. Can this year be topped?

The big stories in video games we will write about in 2011.

2011 will bring the Nintendo 3DS and brand new gaming experiences that may change our medium forever, an epic adventure with Uncharted 3 and the next Elder Scrolls game from Bethesda. When 2011 commences we will have read, and written about a new Forza game and weather or not inFamous 2 will be a hit or a flop. While we will be writing about all the great games that were already announced to release this year, we will also report on game announcements from Bungie and maybe even Respawn – the studio the ex-Infinity ward heads are building under EA.

There will be success stories and failures, can all games live up to their hype? Will we care about the new Motorstorm or Gears of War 3? What are the games to release on Wii this year? Will there be a Wii HD announcement?

There are loads of questions that just cannot be answered at this time but one thing is for sure, 2011 is shaping up to be a banner year for videogames that will fuel fanboys and provide tons of motion controlled games on the Move and Kinect that we may or may not care for.

What are you looking forward to this year and what would you like to see?
