Nailed It!: Modern Warfare 2 now on Games on Demand for 60 Dollars

Posted by: 2/16/2011

Today Microsoft added one of the best selling games of all time, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, as a ‘Games on Demand’ title. Usually those games are discounted or at least in line with retail prices. Somewhat.

Well, not this time fellow gamers. Today Microsoft wants to literally rip you off and it saddens me to no end. Actually, I am quite upset and on the other hand laughing. This is one of the most comical actions I have seen on Xbox LIVE, ever.

If you would like to overpay and drop some sweet, sweet money into the software maker’s already deep pockets, go ahead but I would advise you to check Amazon or Walmart where the game can be purchased for as little as half the price.

If we ever want to have a truly successful digital distribution model that expands past smaller digital only games, we will need to do a little better than than.
