Catwoman playable in Batman: Arkham City

Posted by: 6/2/2011

Batman: Arkham City is one of the biggest games to hit shelves this fall and there has been some speculation regarding Catwoman in the game. The Game Informer cover showed her and Bat man which lead to some coop speculations.

Today Warner Brothers confirmed that Catwoman is indeed a playable character in the game who will have her own storyline. No word of coop though.

As Catwoman, players will have a chance to indulge in their darker side and explore Arkham City as the infamous feline femme fatale. Complete with her own storyline in the main game, Catwoman’s adventure complements Batman’s central role and is seamlessly interwoven with his main story arc. She will also be playable in the challenge maps with her own unique combat moves, gadgetry and signature ‘takedowns’.

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