Modern Warfare 3 sells over 9 Million copies Day 1

Posted by: 11/10/2011

It is not surprising that Modern Warfare 3 sold a ton of copies on its first day, what is a bit shocking, is that it outsold Black Ops by over 2 Million copies, that is 33 percent!

The Call of Duty franchise is huge, it is massive but it seemed to be peaking at Black Ops. We were wrong. Modern Warfare 3 defies the odds and, while being a lot like the previous 2 games in the Modern Warfare series, still outsells last year’s game and smashes day one records again.

Modern Warfare 3 sold 9.3 Million copies on its first day on shelves. As VGCharts reported, 5 Million copies were sold on Xbox 360, 4 Million on PS3 and the remainder is split between PC and Wii.
