Shank 2 sets his blades for a Feb 7 release date

Posted by: 1/19/2012

When the first Shank came out it was a hit on the downloadable space and called for a sequel. EA and Klei Entertainment are doing just that by releasing Shank 2 on February 7th in North America for PS3 and PC.

The game also release in Europe on February 8th for Xbox 360 and PS3. Of course it is another downloadable game and will cost $9.99 or 800MSP as well as 9.99 Euros across the pond.

Set in a pulp fiction world, Shank 2 puts players back in control of their favorite ex-mobster hitman, Shank. Klei has evolved the combat experience with precise controls, new weapons, smarter enemies, and more advanced combo techniques, all set to the backdrop of beautiful 2D art and animation. Players can put Shank’s trusty arsenal of handguns, chainsaws, grenades, plus all-new weapons to use in order to protect those close to him.

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