‘XCOM: Enemy Unknown’ invading PS3, 360 and PC this Fall

Posted by: 1/5/2012

Well if it wasn’t another big hitting XCOM (or is it X-Com) headline invading the internets this morning. Game Informer has set the net ablaze as they revealed their February cover which features a new XCOM title – not a shooter – but an RTS / Turn-based game being developed by Firaxis Games – yup that’s Sid Meier’s team.

2K has brought on Firaxis Games to create a true re-imagination of the original X-Com which is being favored as the true destiny for Alien Defense Activities.

According to Firaxis Games the game will feature a combination or turn-based and RTS elements which will be detailed in the upcoming issue. You can expect to hear a lot more soon before the game will hit ‘This Fall’ for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
