Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal Trailer & Sceens

Posted by: 8/14/2013

In case you didn’t catch the live stream of Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Multiplayer Reveal just now, we have at least the official trailer and some dope screens for you which can be seen below.

The event revealed that Xbox 360 profiles and DLC will carry over to Xbox One, cool clan modes and features as well as game types and more.

We will have a detailed breakdown of that soon. For now, the trailer!

UPDATE: Now with full recording of the reveal including walkthroughs below:

Watch live video from callofdutyghosts on TwitchTV

COD Ghosts_Arctic Lumber

COD Ghosts_Maniac Blindside

COD Ghosts_Octane Environment

COD Ghosts_Strikezone Environment

COD Ghosts_Whiteout Environment

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