You may want to consider Destiny as a game to beat in 2014

Posted by: 12/4/2013

As we look forward to next year, it becomes more and more apparent that the Next-Generation of consoles will hit its stride with games like inFamous Second Son, TitanFall and of course Destiny from Bungie – the creators of Halo.

Today Activision released a new inspirational trailer featuring Giancarlo Esposito aka Gus Fring from Breaking Bad fame which can be seen below.

In Destiny, players are cast as Guardians of the last city on Earth, who will traverse the ancient ruins of our solar system from the red dunes of Mars to the lush jungles of Venus. Able to wield incredible power, gamers must battle humanity’s enemies and reclaim all that was lost during the collapse of mankind’s Golden Age.

Destiny is a very story-driven universe that will pan out over the next 10 years, Bungie once said. The game’s saga unfolds through “grand tales and epic adventures by immersing players in a bold new universe filled with cooperative, competitive, public, and social activities, all seamlessly connected”.

Destiny is an open world experience that merges narrative singleplayer gameplay with emergent coop and competitive elements. The game is set to release in 2014.

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