A Story of Trains, Beer and The Division

Posted by: 3/8/2016

It’s Tuesday and Ubisoft’s The Division has shipped to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Players are beginning to explore post pandemic New York City on their PCs, PlayStations and Xboxes but all I can do is wait patiently for my local train to take me to my destination.

The worst part? My friends are chatting me up on my iPhone telling me how epic the intro is or how they’re addicted within 5 minutes. I even learned about their hard members.

The mocking doesn’t stop. Do they mean it? Maybe. Maybe not.

The train is slowing to make another stop. Not mine. When will it be my turn to get off this metal tube of sorrow and stench?

When I do get home, ready to slip the disc into my PS4, I’ll be greeted by a mandatory update, broken servers and people being dicks online.

Will it be worth it to play with my friends for 5 minutes before I fall asleep from exhaustion? Probably.

Oh wait, I have to stop on my way home to pick up some things for the house. I may as well just plan on playing another day right?

Yes, things for the house is beer. It’s always beer damn it.

Final stop.

The Division New Screen 2

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