Will You buy a Next Generation Console in 2013?

Posted by: 5/29/2013

At the end of  every console generation gamers have to make a choice – which new shiny video game console will I buy.

Why? Usually common American households do not have the funds readily available to buy more than one very expensive next generation console. Maybe you have already purchased the Nintendo WiiU, which some argue ‘isn’t even next-gen’, and put all of your eggs in the Shigeru Miyamoto basket and this isn’t even a question for you, but if not then 2013 will be a year in which you and your family will need to make a decision.

“Will we buy an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4 for Christmas this year?”

Of course there are a few fortunate people with enough expendable income to buy two 400 or 500 Dollar game systems but that is exactly that – the exception to the rule. When I was a teenager living at home we had a choice, Nintendo or Sega, then it was PlayStation or Sega and finally Xbox or PlayStation. Not until I was working on steady income, was I able to purchase an Xbox 360 along with my Ps3 and I got to play all of the game exclusive and multiplatform console titles.


This year Sony and Microsoft are going to release their new powerful next generation machines in the same year and many parents have to make a call – do we get the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4?

What is this decision based on? Do we purchase game systems based on loyalty, brand recognition, TV ads or flame bait forum threads on various boards? This is a question everyone has to answer for themselves. Maybe after the console makers’ E3 presentations on June 10th we will know the true differences between the Xbox One and the PS4 which seem to have very similar specs and are sure to get the same multiplatform titles.

PS4 PlayStation 4 Orbis

Will the generation be decided early based on ‘always on’ or ‘used games’ features that have been stirring the rumor mill or simply the exclusive games?

Microsoft has said that it built a machine that does it all and called it the Xbox One for your ‘All in One’ entertainment needs where Sony has made a console from gamers for gamers. A lot of these questions are based on speculation and too little information along with wishful thinking but the fact is, many of us have already made up our minds.

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