E3 2013: Xbox One launches in November for $499

Posted by: 6/10/2013

Gamers and Media have been waiting for the answers to these 2 questions ever since the reveal of the Xbox One, Microsoft’s next-generation video game console, which is the release date as well as the retail price.

During today’s E3 2013 Xbox Media briefing Microsoft revealed that the Xbox One will retail for 499 Dollars and be released this November. In total the Xbox One will come to 21 Markets in November 2013.

When the price of 499 Dollars, 499 Euros and 429 Pounds was announced I couldn’t help but feel that this is quite a big number for a lot of people but with games like Forza 5, Ryse, Metal Gear Solid V and more it may just be worth it.

On the flip side we still have questions about the DRM, Xbox LIVE, 24 hour Internet Authentication and more.


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