Analyst: Sony’s PS4 to outsell Xbox One on Supply alone

Posted by: 1/20/2014

Pachter is at it again but this time with some seriously sound logic. On last Sunday’s Bonus Round which can be seen on Michael Pachter told viewers in a discussion with Geoff Keighley that Sony will be producing a lot more PS4 consoles in 12 months than Microsoft will on the Xbox One front.

According to Pachter, Sony is making 1.4 Million PS4s per month which is how they arrived at the magical 4.2 Million units sold by December 31st 2013 as production commenced in September. In the same period Micorosft made and sold 3 Million Xbox One consoles. This means the company makes 1 Million consoles a month.

Pachter also added that a company has to commit to 12 months (1 year) of production and if we keep with this math, then Sony will make 16.8 Million PS4s by September while Microsoft will produce 12 Million Xbox One’s in the same period.

While these numbers are mostly based on official console sales, and likely some of Pachter’s inside scoops, we can assume this is pretty accurate since PS4s and Xbox Ones have been sold out pretty much everywhere across the various markets. Yes, this may vary geographically but it is a close and decent estimate. Ergo, every console that is made is sold. To be even more clear, staying with this logic, units sold = units produced.

If one wanted to come to a conclusion about this then Sony will outsell Microsoft based on supply alone, not to mention the 100 Dollar price point advantage. Only time will tell but let’s keep this information handy to validate a few months from now.

xbox one v ps4

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