How long until we see the $399 Xbox One SKU?

Posted by: 8/12/2013

Well, there could have been so many flame bait grabbing headlines that we could have put on top of this post but I chose to be subtle and simply ask a question that I carefully laid out in my head.

Here are some facts.

The Xbox One gets announced on May 21st and Microsoft reveals that it will use DRM to combat used games, require 24 hour Internet Check Ins and also requires the Kinect to work.

The price.

Microsoft reveals the $499 price tag on the controversial and polarizing new console. This is 100 Dollars more than the PS4 which does not require the internet check ins, has no DRM and no camera requirements and also pushes indies into the lime light.

After loads of consumer backlash and low pre-order numbers and probably a lot of sleepless nights at Microsoft HQ, the hardware maker drops the requirements for the Internet and also gets rid of the used DRM policies.

Back to normal many said. Except for Kinect – and the price.

Still with me? Okay, and don’t forget the Xbox One fathers Don Matrick leaves Microsoft for Zynga.

Now lets talk about the indies that Sony was pushing so much with self publishing and so on, Microsoft also followed suit here and reveals its self publishing policies last month. Previously developers needed a publisher to be on the Xbox 360, Sony’s PS3 does not.

Xbox One Always On

Right, so we have one left – the Kinect requirement which was also the ‘flagship’ of the Xbox One as well as the big controversy as Kinect would be watching and listening to you and could not be turned off. Well, more outcry which should end today as  the Xbox One no longer requires the Kinect to be turned on or even plugged in anymore.

So, now we are down to the price, yes a headset is also included now, which still is $100 more than the PS4.

Folks, this is why I asked myself the very legitimate question:

How long until Microsoft will offer a $399 standalone SKU for the Xbox One that includes no Kinect in the Box?

Now you may say that developers are promised that every Xbox One would be sure to include a Kinect and games could take advantage of the motion sensing, voice command taking body censor but then I ask you to read about all of the ‘flip flopping’ that happened to the other praised Xbox One features like DRM, Internet check ins, headset, self publishing and so on.

In the end, Microsoft needs to be competitive starting this holiday and 100 bucks is a great start (apart from all the other changes).



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